A letter from Ohio.

We got a very nice email and photo from PFC Sarah Hall.

PFC Sarah Hall wearing a HeroBraceletWell, the name on my Herobracelet is a man that I've never met.

I chose a random Memorial HeroBracelet and received a bracelet in the name of Senior Airman Pedro I Espaillat Jr. from Colombia, TN Air Force, KIA 5/15/04.

Just carrying the name of a gentleman who risked his own life for our country is awesome. Even though I've never met him, other people see the bracelet and ask about him. I am proud to carry his name with me.

I am 22 form Cincinnati Ohio, I am a PFC in the Amry National Guard and I'm very patriotic. I know many people in OIF and OEF, And I am very thankful for everyone in our Armed Forces. May we all remember this Memorial Day to thank a vet, or any soldier of any kind...
